# SIO Nonmodel mRNASeq Workshop (2017) These are the schedule and classroom materials for the [2017 RNAseq workshop at SIO](http://sio-rnaseq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), which will run from Oct 11-12, 2017. This will be followed by an Oct 13th lecture from instructor Lisa Komoroske as part of the Marine Biology Seminar Series. This workshop runs under a [Code of Conduct](code-of-conduct.html). Please respect it and be excellent to each other! If you're not comfortable working on the command line, please work through some of this [command-line bootcamp](http://rik.smith-unna.com/command_line_bootcamp/) before the workshop. **Schedule and Location**: All sessions are in the Eckart Sea Cave, unless otherwise noted. The workshop runs from 9am-5pm, with a 1 hour break for lunch. ## Workshop materials [hackmd collaborative notes](https://hackmd.io/IYEwDATAjMDsCmBaAnCALLRaDGzmICM8xEBWUgDhFjTDQoJGCA==?edit) ### Wednesday, Day 1: Introduction, QC, Assembly, and Quantification * [Introductions, RNA-Seq uses & pitfalls](_static/Intro_RNASeq101.pdf) and [RNAseq workflows](_static/TR_workflow_diagrams.pptx.pdf) * [Booting a cloud computer from Jetstream](jetstream/boot.html) * [Quality trimming your reads](quality-trimming.html) Lunch Break * [De novo RNAseq assembly](assembly-trinity.html) * [Assembly evaluation](evaluation.html) * Discussion: RNA-Seq study design ### Thursday, Day 2: Differential Expression, Downstream Analyses, Alternate RNA-Seq pipelines & resources * [Quantification with Salmon](quantification.html) * Discussion & examples: downstream analyses Lunch Break * [Differential Expression with DESeq2](DE.html) * Optional, on your own time: [Dammit Annotation](dammit_annotation.html) * Discussion: Modifications & Considerations for microbial transcriptomics & metatranscriptomics * [Clustering example](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Open-Data-Science-at-SIO/RNAseq-workshop-2017/master/clusters_tSNE_example.html) * [Github + data visualization demo](_static/transcriptomics_luke_microbes.pdf) and [git cheatsheet!](git_commands.html) * Optional, on your own time: [Interactive github tutorial](LC-github.html) ### Instructors * Lisa Komoroske - UMass Amherst / NOAA * Tessa Pierce - UC Davis * Lisa Johnson - UC Davis * John McCrow- JCVI * Luke Thompson- NOAA #### Useful Further Resources: Note that these are taken from the 2017 [ANGUS](http://angus.readthedocs.io/en/2017/index.html) workshop and week-long [DIBSI RNA-Seq workshop](http://dibsi-rnaseq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) Additional RNAseq: * Lecture: [Assembly evaluation](_static/Jane_assembly_stats.pdf) * Hands-on: [Assembly evaluation](evaluation.html) * Lecture: [Annotation](_static/Jane_transcriptome_annotation.pdf) * Hands-on: [Transcriptome annotation](dammit_annotation.html) * Lecture: [Quantification](_static/quantification_slides_Patro_subset.pdf) * Lecture: [Differential Expression](_static/Jane_differential_expression.pdf) Generally useful or interesting: * [Introduction to automation](introduction-to-automation.html) * [Jupyter Notebook, R and Python for data science.](jupyter-notebook-demo/Jupyter-Notebook-Notes.html) * [Review and explore: Command line UNIX, and R/RStudio](command-line-and-rstudio.html) * [Pathway Analysis](pathway_analysis.html) * [RMarkdown](rmarkdown_rnaseq.html) * [where do I find the data? NCBI, ENSEMBL, ENA; how to get FASTQ out of NCBI.](database_resources.html) * [Adrienne Roeder](http://roeder.wicmb.cornell.edu/), Cornell - [Reaching biological conclusions from RNA-seq: the good, the bad, and the ugly](https://osf.io/qz3m6/) * [Michael I Love](https://mikelove.github.io/), UNC Chapel Hill - ["Statistics and bias correction in RNAseq differential expression analysis"](https://osf.io/gbjhn/) * [Robert Patro](http://www.robpatro.com/redesign/), Stony Brook University - ["Don't count on it: Pragmatic and theoretical concerns and best practices for mapping and quantifying RNA-seq data"](https://osf.io/bv85u/) * C. Titus Brown, UC Davis - ["Effectively infinite: next steps in Data Intensive Biology."](https://osf.io/pbmeh/) * [Assessing & assembling nanopore data](analyzing_nanopore_data.html) (Lisa Cohen and Jon Badalamenti) * Using ssh to log in (instead of the web shell): * [Log in using a password](jetstream/ssh_changepassword.html) * *OR* [Add ssh keys to your instance](jetstream/login.html) * GitHub tutorials: * [Lisa's tutorial](LC-github.html) * [tutorial from ANGUS 2017](github.html) * [Reference independent analyses with k-mers; sourmash.](kmers-and-sourmash.html)